Bishop´s Easter greeting 2019
The Sun is dancing
In the Easter Morning even the Sun is dancing. This saying from Finnish folklore tells how strongly the Easter here in the Northern hemisphere connects with the arrival of the spring. After a long winter, new growth and life breaks through.
No wonder that even the Sun is dancing.
Dancing and frolicking Sun describes also the new reality of the resurrection. Christ has concurred death.The whole creation rejoices. In the joy of the Easter morning, the resurrection touches us already now. It reminds us about the promises of God, and the love of God that continues to create new all the time. It reminds us about life that overcomes death even at times when the realities of this world seem to be too hard to handle.
The joy of the resurrection should be shared. So, we are called to live as the witnesses of the Resurrected One in this world. We are called to live as witnesses of life over the valley of the shadow of death.
The dancing sun of the Easter Morning describes also faith that cannot be measured through the means of knowledge. Faith aims to give words to the Good News which however seems to be greater than the mere words we have. Hence, we need deeds next to words, deeds that reflect the reality that is there after the resurrection.
The reconciliation we have in Christ is a gift – but it is also a call to reconcile among human beings and among the whole creation. The Lenten letter of the bishops of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland calls individual Christians and local congregations to seek for choices that respect the Creation. The call to live out reconciliation with all that is created is not restricted only to the Lenten time, but it belongs also to the life after the Easter. The joy of the resurrection belongs to the whole of Creation.
The dancing Sun is a reminder of this.
With warmest wishes for a blessed Easter time
Kaisamari Hintikka